We behave responsibly

As a responsible company it is our duty to make an effort wherever we operate.

This is why we perform our activities in a responsible manner and observe the laws of the countries and local communities within which we operate.

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Uutiset & Blogi

  • EG strengthens Communication - hires experienced profile from the IT Industry

    EG hires Tine Rasmussen as Head of Corporate Communications, responsible for strengthening EG's brand and increasing the visibility of EG's software in the Nordic region.

  • EG:n työntekijät lahjoittivat uudelle lääketieteelliselle keskukselle Odessassa

    Tänä vuonna EG:n työntekijät ovat lahjoittaneet yhteensä 32 300 € tukeakseen uuden Superhumans-keskuksen avaamista Odessaan, Ukrainaan. Keskus tarjoaa proteeseja ja kuntoutuspalveluja.

  • The workplace of the future is flexible and digital – EG included

    EG A/S has introduced a new Work From Home policy that gives employees the opportunity to work much more from home.

  • EG reaches a turnover of two billion DKK in 2022 and further strengthens its Nordic market positions

    EG reaches a turnover of two billion DKK in 2022 and further strengthens its Nordic market positions.

  • EG grew revenue by 22% and strengthened its Nordic market position in 2021

    EG, a market leading vendor of Nordic vertical software, today published its annual report and separate ESG report for 2021.

  • John tours back to Gran Sasso - 32 years later

    After 32 years, former professional cycling legend John Carlsen will once again try to conquer Gran Sasso, where he reached the peak of his career as top athlete as winner of Stage 8 of the Giro d'Italia in 1989.

  • Three green energy projects receive a ClimateGift

    Three UN certified energy projects in Chile, Mongolia and India has been favored as the recipients of this year's EG ClimateGift.

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Communication Manager

Per Roholt

Puh.  +45 2060 9736